Thursday, January 31, 2013

How To Essay Demostrations

Catherine demonstrated how to make water glow in the dark. So cool!!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Our completed class Science Fair Project

We have completed our science fair project as a class!! Now each of you must do your own! Can't wait to see everyone's project on April 14!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Inside Recess AGAIN

Katelyn is teaching Jonathan how to play chess. The students and I figured out that this is our 7th day of inside recess! Rain rain go AWAY!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Our Class Science Fair Experiment

We are doing a Science Fair project as a class to help us understand the parts of the scientific method.

Today, we did an experiment. The experiment was when we put some tennis balls in the freezer and left some balls in our classroom at room temperature. We wanted to see if the temperature of a tennis ball affects how high it will bounce. We got two meter sticks. Then we taped them on top of each other against the wall. Next, we got one freezer ball and dropped it from 1 meter. Then we got a room temperature ball and dropped it from 1 meter. We did this 5 times! Our hypothesis was correct!!! We found when the ball are cooler it doesn't bounces as high as the room temperature balls.
By: Noah

Monday, January 7, 2013

Dawn of the Dragon's Jewel

The early finishers' short play began as just a small one, but developed into much more. We all liked dragons, so that's what the topic turned out to be - A story with adventure, sadness, and joy. Even simple costumes made it come alive, although maybe not as well as we had planned. Everyone enjoyed their parts and it was fabulous. In my opinion, the BEST class play EVER!
By: Catherine

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Trinity's Christmas Outreach

We helped load the gifts for the Head Start students. We couldn't believe how many gifts Trinity students brought in!!!

Advent Play

3 Fourth graders helped the 5th graders with the Advent play.